Operating Engineers College
319-361 Salmonier Line
PO Box 389
Holyrood, NL A0A 2R0
Tel: (709) 229-6464
Toll Free: (888) 229-6468
Fax: (709) 229-6469
Website: www.oecollege.ca
Email: oec@oecollege.ca
Trades NL
“Building Our Province Together“
Trades NL: Building Trades of Newfoundland and Labrador (Trades NL) is an umbrella labour organization which promotes and coordinates the interests of 16 building and construction trades unions and their international affiliates operating in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Trades NL, through its affiliates, represents thousands of Newfoundlanders and Labradoreans working to build prosperity in their province.